Mermaids Wiki

Template:Infobox characterMermaids are magical creatures of the sea with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a fish who live in the ocean. A mermaid's tail is long, blue with a lighter blue strip running down the middle. Three mermaid sisters team together to seek revenge on their father's killer. Female mermaids have blue scales covering their breasts. At low tide, whether wet or not, a mermaid will transform into their mermaid form and at high tide they are able to become humans when dry. Mermaids may have unusual hair colours like Betty as her hair was green.

Object of Power

All murpeople have an object of power which is given to them at birth. If a mortal were to obtain this object somehow, the mermaid would have to stay with them; completely under their control. Diana's birth right is a comb which magicall folds into a trident which can cut through solid steel, June has a mirror which can tell the future and Venus as a tiara who's abilities were not revealed.

Powers and Abilities

All mermaids have a special ability which is may or may not be exclusive to each individual mermaid. Diana is super strong and can scream at glass-shattering pitches, June is seen talking to sea creatures along with the scream Diana exhibited and Venus can hypnotize men into obeying her every command but goes dormat if the human she is attempting to hypnotize knows she's a mermaid. Mermaids have the power to change into a human when dry and into their mermaid form when their legs are exposed to water in that case, against their will, their legs will transform into a long, blue tail.

Mermaids have the ability to breathe under water because of being half fish. This allows them to live under the ocean. Merpeople also have the ability to temporarily give humans the ability to breathe under water as long as they are touching them.Mermaids can also live much longer than any human.It is possible that mermaids can stay young forever as when Betty got back her object of power,she became young and beautiful again.


According to Diana, Veus, and June, when a mermaid dies their bodies will transform into foam on the water where they'll be evaporated by the sun, then the rain will spread them across the sea and then they are completely destroyed.Though the mermaid is dead her magic is not.



Sirens are a type of mermaid that have the ability to hypnotize men. Venus is the only mermaid who is a siren. In lore, mermaids are known to sit upon rocks and hypnotize sailors, causing them to fall in love with the mermaid and jump overboard to their deaths.Their powers cannot effect a man if he knows what she is.Ancient sirens used their voices to hypnotise men but Venus and possibly other modern day mermaids used telepethy and are surrounded by a glowing light.


It's possible that human/mermaids can exist. Tessa, Betty's daughter, is possibly part mermaid.Hybrid mermaids may not have any magic or mermaid abilities.


  • Mermaids can speak underwater, although not exhibited.They can also communicate with only marine creatures/animals.
  • Mermaids do have souls but when they die their souls vanish along with their bodies.
  • It's unknow if the powers Diana, Venus and June exhibited are exclusive to each mermaid or if every mermaid can perform these abilities.
  • Humans and many magical creatures take advantage of mermaids because of their ability to grant wishes. It is because of this, many mermaids do not wish to come on land.

Known Mermaids


  • Similar to selkies and merrows from mythology, mermaids posses an object of power. Like the selkie's seal skin and the merrow's red cap, a person who posseses a mermaid's object of power, can control her.
  • This film had several references to Hans Christian Anderson's The Little Mermaid. Like the mermaids in the story, mermaids cannot go to Heaven of Hell and do not live after death and turn into foam when they die.

